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Vital Connections



An art teacher's search to reconnect with his students after global lockdown, will trigger the
creation of images and drawings that will travel beyond paper to inhabit the streets of the city.
This project was transformed due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, therefore, it is developed from the
metaphor of an intangible connection with children that happens from the drawings that they created along
with his professor. The search for human connection as a vital act will trigger the creation of images and
drawings that will push the boundaries of paper and reality itself.
Imagination is ultimately the most pristine source of creation that exists. Images created during childhood
carry an immense visual power that's often overlooked. This animation project was the first iteration of my
graduation project, however, this serves as a behind-the-scenes of the actual process of building the whole
project in the middle of the pandemic, as it portrays my inner thoughts, feelings, and fears regarding the
future. Despite all those uncertainties, my vision and calling were to give them back their drawings but
reimagined as living strokes. Giving "life" to the children's drawings was my way of thanking them for
teaching me back again how to see the world in a whole new way.

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