Vital Encounters is a colective animation project that was conceived from within a school located in the La Candelaria neighborhood in the city of Bogotá during 2020. The project aimed to create an expanded animation through collective creation exercises with boys and girls in grade 201 of primary school.
It is a project that began in January, with the aim of proposing a renewed experience of the creative act from the collective meeting. However, due to the global contingency, the project took a 180 ° turn, it had to be reformulated to adapt to the new search for a meeting that was no longer going to be face-to-face.
This is a project that was born from a personal concern about the images that are produced during childhood, particularly I realized that, from my place of creation, my search to find my own voice as an artist, is fueled and renewed thanks to continuous meeting with children.
I invite you to explore the development of the project from each of its stages, as it has been an extensive, enriching and learning process both for myself and for the children whom I had the opportunity to accompany throughout the year 2020 as your Visual Arts teacher.
It is suggested to view the progress of the project in chronological order, reviewing each stage in its entirety
development of written thinking
FULL document
full log
In May of this year, I applied for my project to a call for a scholarship offered by the district stimulus program of the Ministry of Culture, Recreation and Sports. The scholarship is called: "Scholarship to support the professionalization of agents of the arts, heritage and / or cultural management."
The objective of the scholarship was to support professionalization processes of students in the last undergraduate semesters, enrolled in arts programs (performing arts, dramatic art, plastic and visual arts, dance, literature, audiovisuals, music and related programs), cultural management or heritage cultural; that they demonstrate good academic results; who were developing or were interested in developing cultural management processes with communities, organizations, groups or institutions and who had planned to carry out academic projects, thesis or degree monograph on issues related to management, cultural policies and the contribution of the culture to human development.
Coincidentally, I was right within the target audience to which the scholarship was directed, so I applied with great enthusiasm and received notification of my proposal in August
My project was one of the winners of the scholarship, and that allowed me to receive both financial support for its development, as well as accompaniment, advice and support in the management and planning of the project. The experience was incredible and I feel very fortunate and happy since I was able to meet many other artists with fantastic cultural management projects in the city, I was able to create a close relationship with my assigned tutor from the Secretariat whom I called my "Guardian Angel", I They did interviews about my process as a fellow, they offered me to participate in alliances for projections in the city, I was able to access a virtual certified cultural management course, etc.
In general, the experience was wonderful and frankly I feel that it enriched my process because it opened my eyes to the entire artistic spectrum that is led by students and that is in action both in Bogotá and throughout Colombia. Seeing the compendium of projects and being part of the group of people who lead these cultural management proposals reaffirmed my position about the importance and validity of art in our country, art is political, necessary and the starting point to reflect on our society .
Article : Bogotá professionalizes its artists | Secretary of Culture, Recreation and Sports
On December 16, the professionalization scholarship was closed with the presence of the Secretary of Culture Nicolás Montero and all the scholarship recipients, a livestream was held through the Secretariat's YouTube Channel and I was selected as one of the 4 scholarship recipients that they would share their final work during the live broadcast.
This was an exclusive invitation where I explained what my project was about, how the process was and what the final result was.
Below I share some timestamps of the YouTube video, where you can find the most significant parts that concern my project during the event.
- Introduction: 2:16 - 3:48
- Presentation of my diploma and project: 30:32 - 34:00
- Presentation of the animation: 55:55 - 1:00:05
- Group photo: 1:00:36 - 1:01:50